So I haven't posted or shared any pics with anyone in ANY way of my prego belly. That is because I feel HUGE and I still have 3 months to go! Well, I thought some people might care to see so here are a couple from right after Christmas of our growing baby girl(still yet to be named).
Thankfully I am not sick anymore but of course now I am super uncomfortable. The heartburn is insane and a trip to the grocery store exhausts me! The joys of being pregnant! I just can't wait to meet this little stinker! We did find out last week through a follow-up ultrasound that I had to have to check to make sure my placenta had moved up(which it did), that she is measuring a little small. She's still in the normal range but on the low end so, they will do another ultrasound in 5 weeks and see how her growth is. Worse case scenario, if she's not getting proper nutrition on the inside, she will do better on the outside so they would deliver me at 37 weeks. A cause of this might be that my umbilical cord just isn't doing the best job giving her the nutrients she needs to develop her body. She is using most of everything for her brain development. So, nothing to worry about, we just pray she continues to grow and develop normally.
You are beautiful my friend! Can't wait to meet her.