Saturday, December 24, 2011

Almost a year later...

Here I am..I am alive (however I am also 37 weeks pregnant and miserable).

Wanted to post some pics from our life in the past few months. I have so much fun keeping up with my friend's blogs, I thought, maybe I should try to keep up with my own :)

Sometimes you gotta bust out the ringpops on a 4 hour trip to the beach!
September of 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

"Baby Claire" Turns ONE!

She will always be "baby Claire" according to Carson...

I do not even know where this year went...seriously...our precious Claire Bear is already ONE (April 12th). She is such a joy to be around and has been making us laugh so much lately. She has these funny laughs and expressions she does and a lot of it is mimicking her brother!

She isn't walking yet, it will be a bit longer, she won't even stand without holding on to anything..fine by us, she's so short she is going to look funny when she does walk. She is only 26 1/4 inches (not even on the chart) and 17 lbs 10 oz. in the 5th percentile! Our little thing...

Here are a couple pics of our big (yet little) girl and her bro!

Carson helped make her some cupcakes!

She wasn't sure at first but once she got a was over!

Loves her big brother!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So, now Claire is 10 months old and Carson is about to be three. Still, I have been a major slacker at are some pics over the last month or two to so you can see our growing little ones. To update you, Claire is pulling up on everything and starting to move her feet some as she holds on to the table, couch, or whatever. Carson is so funny, he keeps us laughing on a regular basis. His new thing is talking with his hands. He really gets into what he's saying and just moves those hands to try to get you to understand. We can understand most of what he says, he has the best really amazes me the things he will tell me that happened so long ago and he will make sure he does things in the correct order according to his memory. So, in a nutshell, we laugh a lot, have a lot of fun and love this family of ours :)

Here's a shot from Christmas in their Santa hats :)

Check out her ponytail!

Always cheesing!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Still in love...