Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Claire at Two Months

2 Months Old

Our little girl is growing so fast! We had her two month checkup today and she gained another 2 lbs. in a month. So, she is 4 lbs bigger than at birth (currently 11.2). She's starting to smile a lot and follow us with her eyes. She's sleeping great during the day AND at night. She doesn't fight her naps like Carson did at this age so it's nice to just put her down and not hear much from her. She's done up to 10 hours at night, but is steady around 8 :) I'm loving that! She has rolled over already from her tummy to her back which is way sooner than Carson did, might be b/c her head is MUCH smaller than his :) Carson is still so in love wants to be where she is, especially if someone is holding her.

Carson even shares his favorite stuffed animal with that's LOVE...

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